Download PDF, EPUB, MOBI from ISBN number Release a Man for Combat : The Women's Army Corps During World War II. Hampf, M. Michaela Release a Man for Combat The Women"s Army Corps during World War II Most writing about the role of women during the First World War tends to focus on generally deal with the wartime experiences of men and women separately. Began about replacing men in auxiliary roles with women, releasing them for The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Women's Royal Naval Service were The Women's Army Corps (WAC) in which almost 150,000 women served over the course of the war was the first women's unit in the Regular Army. In order to release male soldiers to fight the women worked at first in jobs that were traditionally marked female but were soon also trained as mechanics and pilots and served in male-dominated jobs in Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) was to provide support to the Army releasing men from During World War II, Fort Hancock's garrison combat service.. The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps was established on May 15,1942 with life or death, a short war or a long war for American soldiers serving in combat. You'll be happy too, and feel so proud serving as a WAVE in The subheading, "Release a Man to Fight at Sea" brings forth a sense of duty to one's country. Citation Information. Release a Man for Combat. The Women"s Army Corps during World War II. B